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Saturday, February 26, 2011

A new book of creatures, gods and godesses.

A few years ago i started a book of illustrations of fae creatures, mainly from Europe, that really got me started on my current artistic bent towards the folklore of the world. Now i am starting a new book, that will focus on the folklore of Asia and the pacific islands. I am finding i can easily do a book on just one country, the stories and spirits, gods, and other inhabitants in these stories are amazing. The first book took about a year to finish hopefully this one wont take so long. Here are some pics from the first book i did, and the first pic from the second. This is drawing of Hanuman a character that is the depiction of loyalty and companionship.


  1. Maybe Jeff's obsession with monkeys is because he really wants a Hanuman.

  2. I love moss and vp... how does moss actually look british??! she does!
